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When is the 2290 Due? Here’s What You Need to Know.

We have all had that moment when it hit us – the “when is that due?” moment. Depending on the gravity of the pending item, remembering a due date can leave us pale and nauseous. Additional taxes (those not paid concurrent with our annual taxes) are one such example. The Heavy Vehicle Use Tax (HVUT)…

The Comprehensive Guide to Long Haul Trucking Insurance

Are you in it for the long haul? That’s a phrase we often ask when determining someone’s commitment to seeing a situation through to its end, often with the implication that the road ahead will be difficult or drawn out. Not everyone can hang in for the long haul! But unlike many challenges in life,…

The Impact of Technology on Trucking Rates Per Mile

How am I doing? We all like to have a finger on the pulse of life – knowing where we stand. We check our credit scores, weigh ourselves on the scale, and take other measurements to gauge our progress on life goals. We even compare ourselves to others; how do we stack up? In business,…

How Much is a 2290 Amendment? (And How to Do It)

On the highway of life, it’s satisfying to check a task off your list and keep cruising forward. As a truck driver, one of those tasks is filing IRS Form 2290 to pay the HVUT (Heavy Vehicle Use Tax) annually, contributing to the maintenance and improvement of the roadways you frequently travel. Attention to detail…

Simplifying Your Filing Process with Personalized IRS Form 2290 Help

The nature of “help” has certainly evolved over time. What was once offered through human interaction has, in many cases, been replaced by machines. While machines have made life more convenient, they also present new and unique challenges. In the past, finding help—especially good help—wasn’t always easy. Today, things have changed. Nearly every program you…

How Technology is Transforming Trucking and Logistics

Did you know that trucking existed before trucks did? Goods were originally transported over dirt roads by horse-drawn carts, until the automobile transformed transportation forever. For over a hundred years, advancements in technology have been revolutionizing the trucking and logistics industry, enhancing efficiency, safety and speed at every level. In this article, we’ll look at…

  • “I plan on continuing to use your company’s services since obviously, you care immensely about customer service.”

    A. Hollinger
    Treasurer / CFO, Hollinger Excavating
  • “INSTANT 2290 saved me a 4–5 hour wait at the local IRS Office—I will be using your website from now on.”

    E. Jarosz
    Armstrong Homes
  • “Thank you. All you guys are so nice and very helpful.”

    D. Lento
  • “I knew I could count on you guys …”

    T. Hyde
    Bracken, Inc.
  • “INSTANT 2290’s customer service personnel—and the recorded messages—are the very best!!”

    E. Hodges
  • “Your service is AWESOME!!”

    L. Coburn
  • “Thanks so much for excellent assistance!!!”

    L. Hill
    Pasture Management
  • “Everyone was so helpful and polite today. Thank you for your service!”

    T. Shay
    Office Manager – Ebberts Construction

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